Roberto de Rubertis
Bruno D’Amore
Once again, in memory of Lucio
Michele Emmer
Lucio Saffaro, my personal visual memories
Claudio Cerritelli
Giovanni Maria Accame
Saffaro and the design of ideas
Gisella Vismara
Lucio Saffaro and the “metaphysics of the world”
Lucio Saffaro
Ruggero Lenci
Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci, Matteo Margutti, Margherita Stramaccia
Maria Linda Falcidieno, Saverio Giulini
Signs and symbols between graphics and mathematics
Stefano Chiarenza
Mathematical constructs in defining the image for graphic communication
Rosario Marrocco
The dual space image in the painting. The space of Caravaggio and Chagall
Daniele Calisi, Matteo Molinari
Unusual geometries in Ridolfi’s stair design. The case study of Villino Alatri in Rome
Pilar Chías, Tomás Abad
Topology for health care facilities’ design
Giovanni Carbonara