

XY Digitale
Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Gianni Contessi

He is full professor of Contemporary Art History in the Department of Humanities of the University of Turin, where he also teaches Historiography and Contemporary Art and Architecture Critique.

He is the author, among others, of the books: On the trail of the metropolis. Texts and scenarios 1895-1930 (2006); Lives on the edge. Giorgio Morandi, Aldo Rossi, Mark Rothko (2004); Drawn scriptures. Art, architecture and teachings from Piranesi to Ruskin (2000, Ed. francese 2002); The essay, architecture and arts (1997); The location of the image. Writers, architecture, cities, landscapes (1989); Architect-painters and painter-architects, from Giotto to the contemporary age (1985); Umberto Nordio. Architecture in Trieste 1926-1942 (1981).

Numerous are his contributions housed in collections, monographic catalogs, magazines and daily newspapers.

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