Carbi Jesurun Giuliana

Carbonara Giovanni
Carbone Carmen

Cardone Vito

Engineer, full Professor of Drawing at the University of Salerno, he is honorary professor of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima. President of the UID (Union of Italian Drawing) and QUACING (Agency Certification of Quality and EUR-ACE Accreditation of Engineering courses), was dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of […]
Carocci Caterina

Carpenzano Orazio
Casartelli Elena

She graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano with specialization in services and communication design. She collaborated with Professor Francesco Zurlo, also for the Politecnico di Milano, on the research project ‘Design for Trust’ aimed at identifying useful tools for collaboration within Italian industrial districts. In her professional studio, LENSKY, she collaborates with […]
Caso Roberto

Professore associato di Diritto Privato Comparato e docente di Diritto Civile, Diritto Comparato della Proprietà Intellettuale, Diritto Comparato della Privacy, Diritto d’Autore e Arte, CopyrightX Trento presso l’Università di Trento, ricopre anche il ruolo di delegato per l’open access e le politiche contro il plagio ed è co–direttore del Gruppo LawTech. In qualità di autore o […]