Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Issue 15

CALL FOR PAPERS The present meaning associated with the word ‘mountain’ refers to the image of a height of varying size and shape, emerging from a surface. Mountains are natural realities closely associated with the concept of ‘immense quantity’ that extends upwards, even when they belong to underwater or extra-terrestrial worlds. The inviolate peaks in […]

Issue 14

CALL FOR PAPERS The 2023 edition of “XY” marks the revival of some research topics that, during the 1990s, the historical series of the magazine tackled with a pioneering spirit. In 1997, issue 29-30-31 of “XY Dimensioni del disegno” gathered the results of the conference and exhibition ‘I luoghi del segno epocale’, organised in Perugia […]

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