Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Storia dell’arte in Europa

Thirty years after it was written, an unpublished and farsighted history of art in Europe is published, told with sensitivity not usual at the time it was composed, by Decio Gioseffi, an art historian specialized in perspective. From the caves of Altamira to the mature Renaissance, classes of problems are collected and amplified in the […]

Quando costruiamo case, parliamo, scriviamo

Antonio Belvedere’s exploration of the thoughts and works of Vittorio Ugo offers contemporary architectural historiography a precious opportunity, not only to learn about the role of a scholar of great importance in the panorama of design research in Italy, but also to take stock of the great changes that have characterized it in recent decades. […]

Modellazione 3D & rendering

The volume aims to investigate the processes of realizing 3D models and their subsequent use, which can be directed to the field of figuration, by means of rendering operations, the obtaining of traditional graphic executive drafts, CAD/CAM mode, where objects and components are made with numerical control machines. The first stage is about analysis and […]

Dell’Architettura Civile di Baldassarre Orsini (parte seconda)

The volume contains the transcription as well as the historical-critical analysis of the second part of the treatise “About Civil Architecture by Baldassarre Orsini”, an unpublished work of the eighteenth-century “painter-philosopher” in Perugia: a precious manuscript, preserved in the Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci” of Perugia, that, although designed with specific educational purposes (Orsini, […]

Alessi Bernini Borromini. Tre rilievi indiziari

Observation skills, logical reasoning, knowledge. Hard not to recognize the essential role played by such qualities, their detection activity, even in architectural survey, especially if the goal is to resolve puzzles rather than highlight opacity. The three presented “cases”, in fact, move from many a circumstantial evidence: a ruined window in the garden of Pieve […]

Estetica delle periferie urbane. Analisi semantica dei linguaggi dell’architettura spontanea

Urban periphery has always been viewed in scientific literature as negative: “degraded place” at best, “no place” in a commonly accepted definition. A closer look to a zoned suburb without aesthetic qualities, reveals that there are actually spontaneous realities with a clear figurative identity and a well-defined vocabulary. Based on a concept of “new survey” […]

Disegno design. Natura morta e vita metafisica

Life and death, drawing and design, four words insidiously entwined in a metaphysical embrace, is it not too much for a book that deals with the importance of the industrial object? Adriana Rossi shows where are the logical, although unusual, connections. The proposed reading key resides in the creative process dynamics, to which – this […]

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