Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Drawn Theories / Teorie Disegnate. An exhibition and three collateral events

June 13 – July 5, 2018

Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas, Piazza Cesare Battisti, Trento

One month of exhibition with one event per week to discuss on re-cycle, theory, representation and design in the contemporary architectural culture. The project has been coordinated and curated by Sara Favargiotti and Mark Sonego, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento.

The exhibition – curated by Sara Marini and Giovanni Corbellini – collects an international scenario of authors that express their position on “recycle” in architecture through the medium of drawing. The invited authors – whose research explores the drawing as a form of writing – participated to the ongoing reflection on new life cycles that concern the continuous production of the existing, the great archive of history, the occasions and the betrayals of their manipulation.

The exhibited drawings are followed by three collateral events open to the public as collective moments to discuss and share reflections on broad topics as reality and imaginary, representation and absences, ruins and unfinished. The conference of Tuesday, June 20 – co-organized with XY – will explore the relation between Representation/Absence with the attendance of Roberto de Rubertis, Giovanna A. Massari and Marco Tubino.

With the support of: Università IUAV di Venezia; Ordine degli Architetti di Trento.

In collaboration with: Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali – Ufficio Beni Archeologici, Provincia Autonoma di Trento; XYdigitale; Ordine degli Architetti di Trento.

UNITN website:



June 13

ore 17.30 OPENING

Exhibition and collateral events with Sara Favargiotti, Franco Nicolis, Mark Sonego.


Seminar WITH Piotr Barbarewicz, Alberto Bertagna, Renato Bocchi, Giovanni Corbellini, Sara Favargiotti, Simone Gobbo (Demogo), Sara Marini, Riccardo Miotto, Franco Nicolis, Mosè Ricci, Mark Sonego, Jeannette Sordi.

June 20


Conference with Carmelo Baglivo, Roberto de Rubertis, Sara Favargiotti, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Giovanna A. Massari, Mosè Ricci, Mark Sonego, Marco Tubino.

July 05


Conversation with Alessandro Bonizzoni and Veronica Caprino (Fosbury Architecture), Raffaele Cetto, Sara Favargiotti, Andrea Masu (Alterazioni Video). Finissage with the presentation of the book “Incompiuto: la nascita di uno stile”.

Report of
Picture of Giovanna Massari

Giovanna Massari

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