Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Edoardo Dotto

He graduated in Architecture at the University of Palermo with honors and honorable mention.

From 1995 to 1997 he attended the doctorate in Surveying and Representation of Architecture and Environment (10th cycle).

In 1999 he won the research grant from the Department of Representation of the University of Palermo.

In 2002 he won the four-year research grant from the Department of Analysis, Representation and Design of the University of Catania located in Syracuse.

Since 2005 he is associate professor of Architecture Drawing at the School of Architecture of the University of Catania located in Syracuse.

Editor of the annual volume “Ikhnos. Graphical analysis and history of representation“, is part of the organizing committee of the seminar studies “Ideas for Representation“.

Since 2009 he is director of the Library of the Faculty.

His research interests are mainly directed to the history of representation, the history of drawing tools and methods for graphical analysis.


Issue 2

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