

XY Digitale
Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art


Estetica delle periferie urbane. Analisi semantica dei linguaggi dell’architettura spontanea

Matteo Clemente

Urban periphery has always been viewed in scientific literature as negative: “degraded place” at best, “no place” in a commonly accepted definition. A closer look to a zoned suburb without aesthetic qualities, reveals that there are actually spontaneous realities with a clear figurative identity and a well-defined vocabulary. Based on a concept of “new survey” in order to grasp the quality of urban although unresolved areas, and the study of self-organization processes of the spontaneous city learning about the ongoing tensions, we can act in the territory with architectural plans, fitting into the existing fabric as qualifying pieces, as regenerative stem cells, which have the same genetic tissue. In this sense the “contextualistic” project, seeks figurative congruence with the existing buildings and consciously deduces lexical items. The semiotic perspective of this book, in this sense, seeks a systematic link between certain formal avant-garde solutions of and the same lexical items of self-built poor artifacts, providing a cognitive tool strategy, before leaving up to a concrete intervention on the territory.


Prefazione di Roberto de Rubertis


Capitolo I

– Quale periferia

– La scala urbana

– La scala architettonica

Capitolo II

– Quale architettura: riflessioni sulla contemporaneità

– La scuola di Los Angeles: dalla decostruzione alla qualificazione per frammenti

– Ancora sull’involucro: architettura versus Grafica

Capitolo II

– L’architettura come linguaggio di segni

– Una chiave di lettura figurativa e semantica per la periferia

– Gli indicatori lessicali del linguaggio dell’architettura spontanea

Capitolo IV

– Verso una nuova progettualità

– Le strategie progettuali di intervento nelle periferie urbane

Bibliografia tematica

Vol: 11
Langues: Italian
Pages: 112
Year: 2005

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