Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Sara Favargiotti

Sara Favargiotti is an Italian Ph.D. and architect, as well as Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and coordinator the Ecological Landscape Design Lab (ELaDe Lab) at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Trento. Her research and teaching focus on the multiple identities of the landscape by questioning the challenges of contemporary design through applied-research methodology at different scales, with a particular interest in fragile territories, emerging infrastructure and adaptive dynamics. She is currently coordinator (P.I.) of S-COOL project (CARIVERONA, 2024-2027), Seeds4Future project (EIT Food, 2024), Il Sistema dei Forti Trentini come patrimonio UNESCO (CARITRO 2022-2024) and responsible member of iCOSHELLs – Innovative co-creation soil health living labs (HORIZON 2024-2028). Since 2018 she is a member of the Directive Board of IASLA and since 2022 she is co-founder and scientific advisor of the Innovative Startup and Benefit Corporation RUMA S.r.l.


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