Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Marco Ferrari

Marco  Ferrari is a researcher at the University of Trento, DICAM and adjunct Professor of Architectural Design Theory at the University of Ferrara. He is project leader of PaesaggiForti cultural and research project and co-founder and partner of artistic-architectural duo AIDEL. He holds a Master degree in Architecture from University of Ferrara and a postgraduate education in Environmental Humanities from RomaTre University – FilCoSpe and Architecture department. He has lectured in national and international institutions such as ETH Zurich, ADI Design Museum, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Centrale Fies. He is particularly interested in contemporary architectural and landscape theory and in revealing the relationship between bodies, ecologies and space, questioning concepts of domesticity and intimacy in both living environments and landscape.


Issue 15

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