

XY Digitale
Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art


Issue 15 | JANUARY – DECEMBER 2024

Mountains. Past, Present, Future Images


The present meaning associated with the word ‘mountain’ refers to the image of a height of varying size and shape, emerging from a surface. Mountains are natural realities closely associated with the concept of ‘immense quantity’ that extends upwards, even when they belong to underwater or extra-terrestrial worlds. The inviolate peaks in various parts of the planet are many, however, much more numerous are the originally inaccessible oro-hydrographic systems and then gradually occupied, over the centuries, by anthropic levels of mutable intensity, extension, and duration, sometimes with cyclical trends. The theme of ‘dwelling levels’, whether momentary or lasting, extends the directions of gazes on the mountains and indicates lines of research based on the interweaving of multiple disciplines. Studies of the geomorphology of the territory dialogue with those of landscape aesthetics, just as the knowledge of construction techniques and building types leads to investigating the human narratives hidden within the works themselves. Interest in the connections between tradition and innovation, anonymous cultures, and illustrious creators is today partially overshadowed by the urgent questions posed by socio-economic evolution and the challenges of climate change, which affect both the development and abandonment of increasingly fragile areas.

The modes of representation are the soul of narrative and intervention projects. The images capable of interpreting the existing and giving shape to expectations include maps, views, drawings, videos, photographs, and diagrams; they can be static, dynamic, interactive, generated from 2D documents or 3D digital models; sometimes they adhere to the perceived, at other times they aim to make the deepest hidden structures visible. The 2024 edition of “XY” has the ambition of bringing together experiences that focus on the common, natural, and cultural heritage of the mountains: an apparently immutable but constantly evolving frame, composed of layers that inexorably alternate in representations of geographic, historical, cartographic, architectural, engineering, urban planning, economic, artistic, photographic, cinematographic, literary, and sporting origins.

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  • May 24, 2024: publication of the call for papers
  • June 28, 2024: abstract submission
    Text in the author’s native language (maximum 2,000 characters including spaces and avoiding notes to the text), an image with caption and related credits. The Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board evaluate and select the proposals based on thematic importance and meaningful clarity criteria.
  • July 22, 2024: notification of the abstract acceptance (or rejection)
  • September 20, 2024: full paper submission (in the author’s native language)
    Complete text with abstract and any notes (15,000-30,000 characters including spaces), 8-15 images with captions and related credits (one image every 2,000 characters) chosen for their specific expressive originality. The editorial review precedes the scientific one as a preliminary quality assessment. Then the papers are submitted to the double-blind peer review by recognised experts, who have the task of verifying the scientific contents.
  • October 21, 2024: notification of the paper reception (or non-reception) / request for additional notes
  • November 22, 2024: final paper submission (in English and the author’s native language)
    Full text in the author’s native language updated based on the results of the scientific review, text in English conforming to the definitive version in the mother tongue.
  • December 20, 2024: publication of the journal issue


  • Deadline September 20, 2024
    With obvious or allusive reference to the topic ‘Mountains. Past, Present, Future Images’, the journal invites interested people to submit a proposal for the cover image ( The Editorial Board will anonymously transmit all the submitted images to the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Review Committee. The image that receives the most preference will be published on the cover, while the others will be used on the pages of the journal’s issue. Each image (vertical .jpg, base 15 cm, 600 dpi, not exceeding 10 Mb) must be accompanied by an illustrative caption (.doc/.odt, about 500 characters) that includes the name of the proposer as well as the credits of the image (author, title, year, technique and references).

Since the abstract to the final paper submission, all the proposals have to be drawn up in compliance with the publishing standards and based on the text templates published both on the XYdigitale website and on the OJS platform, where the editorial and scientific review form and the disclaimer for publication are also available. All the proposals have to be submitted by using the OJS platform following the instructions for submission (you need to create an account if you do not have one already). If you have any problems, write to

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