Roberto de Rubertis
Editorial. The duration of the image
Sandra Suatoni
Ruggero Lenci
The embossed technique on metal plate
Maria Linda Falcidieno
Shape, graphic synthesis and contemporaneity? The case of the rock engravings of Monte Bego
Francesca Gasperuzzo
‘Missing’ images: the frescoes by Andrea Mantegna in Padua
Valeria Menchetelli
Reproduce to preserve. From the disappearance of the original to the multiplied memory
Enrico Cicalò
Saving images. Memory and oblivion of knowledge in the digital age
Camilla Buralli, Massimo Purin
Time marks papers, papers mark time
Mario Ferrara
The time of photography in the representation of architecture and landscape
Irene Ruiz Bazán
Franco Purini
Afterword. The journey of the sign
XY 07 2019