

XY Digitale
Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art


Modellazione 3D & rendering

Tommaso Empler

The volume aims to investigate the processes of realizing 3D models and their subsequent use, which can be directed to the field of figuration, by means of rendering operations, the obtaining of traditional graphic executive drafts, CAD/CAM mode, where objects and components are made with numerical control machines. The first stage is about analysis and documentation, followed by a survey directed to the architectural market, aims to the understanding of in which way and to what extent some architectural firms are using computers to govern the design process. The research focuses on three major American studies, which use the new info-graphics techniques with different operation modes: F. O. Gehry, E.O. Moss and NBBJ Architecture. Finally, the last part looks at how 3D modeling enters the field of entertainment and gaming, with reference to “real time strategy” games.


Prefazione di Roberto de Rubertis


Capitolo I

Modellazione infografica

– Modellazione tridimensionale

– Modellazione geometrica 3D

– Modalità di utilizzo dei modelli 3D digitali

Capitolo II

Modellazione 3D e architettura

– Considerazioni di carattere generale

– L’architettura a controllo numerico

– L’ibrido tradizionale/digitale

– La progettazione infografica

Capitolo III

Modellazione nell’entertainment

– Caratteristiche generali dei giochi di strategia

– Le ambientazioni dei giochi di strategia

– La veste grafica dei giochi di strategia


Fonti delle illustrazioni

Vol: 14
Langues: Italian
Pages: 116
Year: 2006

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