XYdigitale is a publishing and cultural initiative of the University of Trento that is composed of the scientific journal XY. Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and the use of images in science and art and the three series I libri di XY, I libri digitali di XY and I quaderni di XY: obiettivo immagine. The project started in 2016 with the aim of reviving and updating thirty years of research published in the journal XY dimensioni del disegno since 1986 and in the series I libri di XY since 1992.
The focus is centered on visual languages, which occupy a prominent place among the tools of interdisciplinary but especially transdisciplinary dialogue, as much in the fields of humanistic knowledge as in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Graphic and geometric methods not only convey information and facilitate communication, but are authentic operational means in conceiving ideas, connecting skills by counteracting the risk of fragmentation, as well as enabling thinking to ‘fly high’.
XYdigitale adopts the principles of Open Science in the full conviction that: knowledge is a common good; collaboration means equity, inclusion and solidarity; the processes and contributions used in the production of scientific results must be transparent; and the research and teaching outcomes must be freely available online and with reuse rights.
Editorial Team
Managing Editor
Senior Editors
Editorial Staff
Ethics Committee
Scientific Committee