Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art

Second annual travelling meeting of the XYdigitale project and the XY journal

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Aversa, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Università degli Studi della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’

Friday November 27, 2020 – 4.30 p.m. / 7.00 p.m. – On ZOOM platform (starting from 4.15 p.m.)

The meeting, in continuity with the similar event in Rome in 2019, aims to be an opportunity to discuss the topics to be hosted in the XY journal and, in general, the areas of interest towards which to direct the initiatives of the XYdigitale project, starting from the solicitations expressed by the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Review Committee. After a year, the ideas already emerged during the first meeting and not yet realized need to be updated, reformulated and re‒addressed also in order to identify the priorities in the activities of the 2021‒22 two‒year program.


Welcome greetings

  • Ornella Zerlenga

Goals of the annual XYdigitale meeting

  • Roberto de Rubertis, Giovanna A. Massari

XY journal: the topic of XY09-10 2020

  • The Geography of the Image, Franco Purini

XY journal: updating of 2019 topics for the 2021 new proposals and general discussion

   Introduction and chairing: Alessandra Cirafici, Paolo Giordano, Ornella Zerlenga

  • Topics 2019
    Drawings of Images / Images without Drawings, Lucio Altarelli
    The Freehand Drawing as Conceptual Expression, Alessandra Cirafici, Paolo Giordano, Ornella Zerlenga
    The Trieste School of Experimental Psychology and Studies of Perception, Gianni Contessi
    Resolution and Definition in the Images, Edoardo Dotto
    Cultural Heritage, New Technologies and an Inclusive Society, José Antonio Franco Taboada
  • Proposals 2021
    Compelling drawings, Irene Cazzaro, Cristina Pellegatta, Starlight Vattano

The new series I quaderni di XY: obiettivo immagine

  • Roberto de Rubertis, Giovanna A. Massari

Applications to host XYdigitale events

  • 14 January 2021’s event at the PhD course in Architecture, Reggio Calabria
    Edited by Francesca Fatta, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Scientific Committee of XY and XYdigitale
  • May‒June 2021’s event at the conference De‒Sign Environment Landscape City_2021, Venice
    Edited by Giulia Pellegri, Università di Genova, Scientific Review Committee of XY and XYdigitale

Applications to host XYdigitale meeting 2021 (11.26.21)

 The event is open to the public. For organizational reasons we kindly ask you to confirm your participation by Wednesday November 25, 2020, by registering at the following link (problems may occur from Iphone and Ipad): After registering, you will receive a confirmation Email containing information on how to join the meeting.

Report of
Picture of Giovanna Massari

Giovanna Massari

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