

XY Digitale
Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art


The XYdigitale newsletter is distributed free of charge via Email to those who request to receive it by filling out the form on this page and specifically selecting the “Subscribe” option.

Privacy policy

We inform you that the processing of personal data will be carried out in full compliance with the protections and rights recognized by ‘General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR Regulation’ (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of the 27th of April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. In particular, the following is specified.

1. Personal data provided through the XYdigitale website are processed in accordance with the above-mentioned regulations and the confidentiality obligations provided therein.

2. According to section (2) of the aforementioned Regulation, “The principles and rules for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (‘personal data’) should respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular the right to protection of personal data, regardless of their nationality or residence. This Regulation is intended to contribute to the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice and an economic union, to economic and social progress, to the strengthening and convergence of economies in the internal market, and to the well-being of natural persons”.

3. Data are processed for institutional purposes related or instrumental to the activity. The data are processed by means suitable for ensuring their security and confidentiality in accordance with the above-mentioned Regulation in section (39) “personal data should be processed in such a way as to ensure their appropriate security and confidentiality, including preventing unauthorized access or use of personal data and equipment used for processing”.

For further information, XYdigitale refers to the page of the University of Trento ‘Privacy and protection of personal data’

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Data controller

The Data Controller is the University of Trento, via Calepina n. 14, 38122 Trento (TN); Email:

The Data Protection Officer (DPO), whom you can contact for information regarding your personal data, can be contacted at the following Email address:

The University of Trento carries out the processing of personal data as part of the performance of its institutional tasks (Article 6, Paragraph 1, Letters e) and b) of the GDPR) exclusively for the purpose of disseminate cultural and editorial activities of the XYdigitale project sending periodic newsletters.

‘Personal data’ means any information about a natural person who can be identified by references such as: first and last name, alphanumeric codes, location data, online identifiers, one or more factors specific to that person’s physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, and/or social identity.

In some areas of the XYdigitale website, we request or may request that you provide personal data, including your name, surname, and Email.

The provision of personal data is essential in order to receive the above-mentioned communications and failure to provide them results in the impossibility of receiving them.

The personal data may be used by XYdigitale for providing you with the content requested, operating and improving the XYdigitale website, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products and services offered. Personal data will be processed only by authorized personnel involved in the implementation of the above purpose.

We may also use the personal data to inform you of other products or services available from the XYdigitale website or to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered.

We may use personal data in order to send Email or other communications regarding updates at the XYdigitale website, such as newsletters, new opportunities, and additional listings which may be of interest. Personal data in our lists cannot be given to third parties. The nature and frequency of messages will vary depending upon the information available.

Personal data will be kept for the period necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes and in particular for the period necessary to receive the newsletter and the unsubscription from it.

At any time, data subjects may exercise towards the Data Controller, at the Email contacts above, the rights enshrined in Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, i.e. access to their personal data, rectification and integration, cancellation, restriction of processing concerning them or to object to their processing. This is without prejudice to the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor, as provided for in Art. 77 of the Regulation itself, or to take appropriate legal action.

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