Bianconi Fabio

De vulgari architectura. Indagine sui luoghi urbani irrisolti

This book suggests that the Architectura Vulgaris, namely the proliferation of structures in decay, of incoherent agglomerated buildings, unused areas of the suburbs of each city, where the role of the designer is most ineffective, is not just a kind of urban pest, but a fertile environment where more spontaneous forms of construction are born.It […]
Issue 3

Roberto de Rubertis Editorial. A “telling” image Bruno D’Amore Once again, in memory of Lucio Michele Emmer Lucio Saffaro, my personal visual memories Claudio Cerritelli Geometric bodies, abstract resonances. About the interpretations of the abstractionism of Lucio Saffaro Giovanni Maria Accame Saffaro and the design of ideas Gisella Vismara Lucio Saffaro and the “metaphysics of […]